www.AMARAD.org updated august 2012

Radio-Mariners Association
Training building for Electronic and Systems Officers Merchant Navy with training for certificate radio-electronic first class.(Open)
Welcome aboard RADIO-OFFICERS and ELECTRONIC - OFFICERS Merchant Navy
REGULATION 15 SOLAS GMDSS Means of ensuring availability of ship station equipment Regulation 15 of the SOLAS GMDSS regulations defines 3 methods to ensure availability of GMDSS equipment at sea; - 1) At sea electronic maintenance, requiring the carriage of a qualified radio/electronic officer (holding a GMDSS First or Second class Radio-Electronics Certificate) and adequate spares and manuals. - 2) Duplication of certain equipment. - 3) Shore based maintenance. Ships engaged on voyages in sea areas A1 and A2 are required to use at least one of the three maintenance methods outlined above, or a combination as may be approved by their administration. Ships engaged on voyages in sea areas A3 and A4 are required to use at least two of the methods outlined above.
Navigation-Radio systems informations working in 2012
Main Maritime-Radio Stations working in 2012
ON 2008 THE COMPLETE PACKAGE TO BECOME A MARINE RADIO OFFICER / ELECTRONICS OFFICER GREAT JOB - GREAT PAY ELKINS, with its 54-year history in the radio and communications field, has always been a strong supporter of Radio Officers. With the job evolving into the new Electronics Officer on a growing number of ships, ELKINS is proud to assist existing and prospective mariners get the training and licensing certification they need to prepare for this exciting maritime vocation. The jobs are interesting and highly lucrative. A USCG-approved training facility, where the classes are held right on the Pacific Ocean.
[Web Creator] [LMSOFT]